sandblasting Services
Sandblasting, sometimes known as blast cleaning, shot blasting or grit blasting. Is the process of cleaning various materials including stone, brick and metals by propelling an abrasive substance at the surface of a material using compressed air.
The term sandblasting is a little misleading because sand is not used in this day and age due to its high silicon dioxide content, Instead more environmentally friendly blast media is used.
At JKH we use a variety of different abrasive medias, depending on the job. We also modify the blast preasure and force so that we can control with confidence the effect, beit cleaning, descaling or deburring, that we want to achieve.

Paint coatings (acrylic, thermoplastic etc.)
Wax coatings,
Bird or animal fouling
Certain types of graffiti
Algae, moss, fungi
Other biological matter

The JOS system after years of being one of the best cleaning products in the market place was improved and relaunced under the name of TORC

Lime & cement-based paints
Carbon sulphates
Paint residue
Lime Wash
Many oil based paints